The Grace To Deal with Adult Step Children

Released on: September 20, 2008, 12:23 am

Press Release Author:, LLC

Industry: Healthcare

Press Release Summary: Remarriage for couples with adult children often represents
an unexpected but welcome chance at a happy and loving relationship. Grace Gabe,
M.D. and Jean Lipman-Blumen, Ph.D., in their best selling book, Step Wars provides
practical and encouraging advice and strategies for parents and adult children

Press Release Body: Why would mature, independent, married adult children have a
negative reaction to their parents happy remarriage? Experts believe of a
traditional expectation that the marriage will be long and happy and the newly
created blended family will share in the couples obvious warmth and contentedness.
In the book, Step Wars: Overcoming the Perils and Making Peace in Adult
Stepfamilies, Grace Gabe, M.D. and Jean Lipman-Blumen, Ph.D. explain that much of
the pain in adult stepfamilies is due to excessively high expectations on the part
of the older couple and with personal anecdotes and professional insight. Ask the Expert series has invited Grace Gabe and Jean
Lipman-Blumen for an interview on Tuesday, September 30, 9 pm EST. Dr. Gave and
Prof. Lipman-Blumen will explain why the high expectation of loving acceptance can
be dashed with the surprising negative reaction from their independent and mature

Dr. Grace Gabe is Board Certified in Psychiatry by the American Board of Psychiatry
and Neurology. Her lifelong interest in psychological development led to researching
and writing about couples who reunite after many years of separation, which became a
cover story for Psychology Today and was featured on national TV. Dr. Jean
Lipman-Blumen holds the Thornton F. Bradshaw Chair in Public Policy and also serves
as Professor of Organizational Behavior at the Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito
Graduate School of Management, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA.

About, sponsor of the Ask The Experts series for step parents, was
founded by marriage and family therapist Emily Bouchard in 2003. Emily, whose first
experience as a step parent was learning to deal with two teenage stepdaughters, has
a Masters in Social Work and enjoys helping step parents overcome the same hurdles
she experienced. Her step parenting tips newsletter, StepHeroes, has attracted
nearly 6,500 subscribers worldwide. Bouchard is the author of several ebooks
including her most popular, Conquering Conflict. She is joined in her work at by two other experienced parenting and relationship coaches,
Sheena Berg and Yvonne Kelly.


Jesse Fisher, Managing Member, LLC
jfisher @

Web Site:

Contact Details: Emily Bouchard
145 Tyee Dr. #1526
Point Roberts, WA 98281
(801) 423-6426

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